Micro Credit Programe

The microfinance program aimed to provide access to finance for the poor people by ensuring services for generating IGAs that help people increasing income, alleviating poverty as well as improving the quality of life. Since its inception, TSS put utmost efforts to make significant contribution in creating favorable situation for enterprise development, capacity enhancement and social protection by efficient implementation of various financial products under different components of microfinance program. The program is headed by a Program Coordinator and the Branch Offices are run by Branch Managers and Field staff.

For effective implementation of micro-finance program, the organization has been maintaining the following key strategy and approaches;

  • Followed by participatory management under a group development approach.
  • Special emphasis on sustainability of its program participants.
  • Implementing cluster-based development activities through mobilizing all sort of local resources and provide need based information & technologies to the program participants and communities.
  • Special emphasis on human resource development for ensuring better services to participants.
  • Special focus and priority on ultra poor and growing entrepreneurs.
  • Proper delivery of diverse loan product for ensuring self employment, income and wages.
  • Ensuring information, access to market and transfer of technology to the program participants for their secure and safety investment.
  • For implementing microfinance program, the organization always emphasis on women’s empowerment
  • Regular monitoring, follow up & close supervision by management level staffs for analyzing the progress and benefit of the project participants.