Message from the Chairman

I am greatly pleased to announce that Tarafsartaj Shanti Sangha (TSS) is going to publish its annual report FY 2018-2019 illustrating organizational achievements and lessons so far learnt in implementing manifold & diversified development program/project activities to complement the existing poverty reduction for a break through with community participation. It is well known that human beings are at the centre of sustainable development. Every human being on the earth has right to lead a healthy and productive life in peace & harmony with nature. The objective of TSS is to reach the poor and vulnerable communities who are unable to fulfill their basic needs and are always bypassed by many socio-economic scope & opportunities and major development interventions.
TSS has made since and dedicated efforts to achieve goals and targets during the last one year. The experience gained and lessons learned during the reporting period would serve as guiding principles for future program development with participation of poor and vulnerable men and women in socio-economic development activities.
TSS has succeeded within a short period of time to overcome the forces lying dormant in the rural areas especially among the women of poor and vulnerable groups through awareness building, technical and financial support under different development program/project interventions. The progress that has been made so far deserves appreciation for further program designing & implementation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.
Professor Md. Afzal Hossain
Tarafsartaj Shanti Sangha (TSS).