Background of TSS
Tarafsartaj Shanti Sangha (TSS) was established in the year 1986 as a Non-government development organization. The organization obtained registration from the Department of Social Services. Later on the organization obtained registration certificate from the NGO Affairs Bureau. As a socio-economic development organization, TSS initially started activities of awareness increase on primary health care, nutrition, safe drinking water & sanitation, family planning and conducted training on different social issues. At present the organization has been implementing activities like, life skill training, IGA training, providing loan for making low cost house of shelter less people, distribution of different products for asset creation, non-formal primary education (NFPE), women empowerment, climate change, dowry, divorce, polygamy, acid thronging, early marriage, human trafficking, legal aid support, agriculture and livestock development, emergency response & disaster management supported by GoB & donors.
Objective of TSS:
The prime objective of TSS is to develop and enhance the existing socio-economic conditions of the targeted beneficiaries through leveraging resources from donors & partners.
Specific Objectives
- Provide integrated microfinance support to the ultra poor & poor community people for poverty alleviation and employment creation.
- Provide comprehensive health care services to the community people for total family health development.
- Increase awareness on safe healthcare, small family norms and nutrition.
- Provide adolescent reproductive health care and safe motherhood related services.
- Provide solar power facilities to the households that are out of national electricity coverage.
- Promote affordable environment friendly clean energy/Improved Cook Stoves (ICS).
- Provide low cost quality non-formal primary education to the drop-out & non-school going children.
- Provide financial support for Agriculture, Livestock & other productive IGAs and small entrepreneurship development.
- Enhance community resilience towards climate change risks reduction through adaptation of appropriate interventions.
- Mass awareness on socio-economic and human resource development.
- Mobilize local resources to generate savings for economic emancipation of the poor.
- Provide skill development training to undertake and implement income generating activities effectively.
- Gender development to remove gender disparity and women empowerment.
- Implement relief and rehabilitation works for disaster victims.
- Build up social awareness against terrorism, money laundering and anti-social activities.
- Ensure safe water and sanitation in rural poor communities.
- Facilitate good governance at all levels.