Our Vision

Empowered community people overcoming their poverty through income generation, employment creation and utilization of their potentialities at all spheres of life.  


The mission is to empower community people to overcome poverty, increase the rate of literacy, improve health status, enhance income generation, create employment opportunities, asset creation and overall livelihood improvement through intervention of different programs and projects.


 Core Values of TSS:

  • Gender based unity and equality.
  • Utilization of local resources.
  • Participation and ownership.
  • Belief and trust in community wisdom.
  • Reaching the poor and hard core poor as per priority list of the community.
  • Community demand driven development approach.
  • Focus of women, adolescent, children, disable and youth in development activities.
  • Transparency and accountability.
  • Good governance and right based policy.
  • Social justice, peace and prosperity.
  • Practice of democracy at all spheres of life.
  • Bottom up strategic local level planning through participatory approach.
  • Respect to women.